Journey (Linguistics, Literary and Cultural) around the expressions “matan” and “eye”




Metaphorical expressions, Eye-matan, Linguistics, Literature, Culture


This paper presents a linguistic analysis of the expression matan - it means “eye” (olho) in the Tetum language and this term is found in some literary texts, demonstrating how this organ is conceptualized metaphorically in different languages and cultures, especially in Timorese and Portuguese. To support this research, some scholars were consulted, including Lakoff, G. & Johnson, M. (1979); Chevalier, F & Cheerbrant, A. (1982); Dubois et al. (2006) and Vilela, M. (2002).  The “eye” is universally a symbol of perception and a source of light, knowledge, and fruitfulness, as the eyes are probably the most important feature of the face. The results of this study show that the metaphorical expressions surrounding the matan-olho can vary in the two cultures under study: Timorese and Portuguese. Furthermore, this expression does not allow for a literal translation, because not all expressions have the same meaning value in the target language.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, B. L. da R. (2024). Journey (Linguistics, Literary and Cultural) around the expressions “matan” and “eye”. Dadolin, 1(1), 54–67.


