Intertextual reading of three legends from the book “Histórias da minha origem - ai-knanoik hosi hau-nia hun”




Intertextual reading, Allusions, Legend, Dog, Water


This work seeks to establish an intertextual reading of three legends: the Lenda de Bee-Cussi, the Lenda de Iparira, and the Lenda da Aldeia Kaenlulik, which make up the book Histórias da minha origem - Ai-knanoik hosi hau-nia hun (Cavalcante & Cunha, 2018), with the aims of identifying and analyzing the intertextual elements present in these three legends under study. We also intend to disseminate the origin of some places in East Timor, allowing better access for new generations. This qualitative research was applied through bibliographical readings on the subject. From this research, we realized that intertextuality interweaves texts through quotations, allusions, paraphrases, comments, or thematic-ideological and (or) formal affinities. Throughout our analysis, we concluded that the “Dog” is an intertextual element in the three legends under study. This animal plays a central role in the three legends as the main discoverer of springs or water sources, contributing to the population's survival. Water is a source of life, essential for human survival.


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How to Cite

Ati, L. A., & da Cunha, M. (2024). Intertextual reading of three legends from the book “Histórias da minha origem - ai-knanoik hosi hau-nia hun”. Dadolin, 1(1), 13–27.


